This documentary follows 63-year-old Annie Edson Taylor, the first person to ever go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Motivated by poverty and the will to help her loved ones in need, this daring act was supposed to be her big break, however, her tale remains buried in history. This doc aims to bring her story back to life through the storytelling of a local historian and reenactments sourced from her personal memoir. With the use of reenactments and mixed media techniques, this project allows Annie Edson Taylor to tell her story even long after death.
My main motivation was to create something that felt close to home, I’m from Niagara Falls and I wanted to tell a story that I could connect back to my roots. Annie’s story has always been one that’s fascinated me as she wasn’t just the first person to go over the falls but a widowed woman in her 60’s. I thought this would be a great story to tell and a good opportunity to address the issues with women in history being erased. With the use of her memoir she was able to tell the story in her own words, despite the fact that she’s been dead for over 100 years. Working on this project has been so much fun and I’m so lucky to be surrounded by such a wonderful team, KILLING IT!!
Being a part of this project has been so wonderful as I love sharing stories of all kind, and getting to tell one as strong as this has felt like such a treat. Belonging to a crew as strong, caring and creative as this one has been something I will remember forever. I hope this story inspires and moves you just like Annie did for us and so many others!
I had never heard of Annie until Aislin pitched me this project but I was so excited to help tell her story - women like Annie have been overlooked for far too long and I am so honoured to be small part of her legacy.
Getting to work on this documentary with Aislin and explore Annie Edson Taylor’s story in more detail was super exciting and I can’t wait for others to hear her story too.
The opportunity to work on this documentary really interested me because of Annie Edson Taylor and her story filled with her own confident attitude in life. I loved working with such a creative and passionate team wanting to retell her story!
When I was asked to be the Transmedia Producer for this project, I was so giddy because I knew this would be an experience to remember! Working on this documentary with all the talented people on this crew with everyone passionate about telling the story of Annie Edson Taylor, just blew me away. This project is something I won’t forget for the rest of my life and hopefully that will resonate in the documentary!
As the picture editor, I was really interested by Aislin’s idea when I heard it as my extended family is from the Niagara region, so I’m thrilled to be able to help share Annie Taylor’s story. I’m also really excited to work with the collage aesthetic of the documentary as I’ve never worked on a multimedia project like this before!
Annie’s story was just so interesting to me, her bravery and determination was incredible I knew I wanted to be involved in telling her story in some way! Working with this team has been incredible and I can’t wait for everyone to see the end product!
As someone who grew up in the Niagara region I am so excited to be working on this project. I grew up hearing all about Annie Edson Taylor, but never really took the time to learn about the full story. As soon as I heard about this project I knew I would love to help share the story in a new way and learn more about it. Working on this project has been a lot of fun and I’m so glad I get to work with such an amazing crew!
I was really excited to get to work on this project because I have always been a big fan of history, so being able to write about something as historic as the first person to survive going down Niagara Falls and learning about someone as awesome and interesting as Annie Edson Taylor has been a lot of fun. I'm glad I've been able to work with Aislin and the rest of the crew on this project!
This is a film that I wanted to work on for a few reasons, however to state the most obvious, someone going over Niagara Falls in a barrel is sick, and something I want to share with people. On a more serious note however, the idea of misrepresentation in history is something that has upset me for a long time, and continues to bogle my mind. Being able to help bring to light someone who has been kept in the shadows for far too long is something I am extremely proud to say I have done through this production.
Being from Niagara, stories about people going over the falls surround us and it was shocking to me that more people hadn't heard about Annie before this project. I'm excited to work with the team to bring her story to life in the modern day!
I wanted to be apart of this project as soon as I heard about it. Bringing light to a story that has been erased in history because Annie was a woman. This story is fascinating and I am incredibly grateful to have worked with such an amazing team.
I will forever remember this documentary fondly for giving me the chance to make one of my strangest but most fulfilling props yet. I am of course talking about the massive life sized barrel. While I of course performed other production designer duties and created wardrobe items, the barrel will forever be iconic. You could perhaps say that I too am a DareDeville for deciding to create something like this on a scale I’ve never done before.
I was whisked away from my home to work on this project, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m glad I was able to help in some way for this project as the work being done for this seems so fun and insightful. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!
I was summoned to set to assist in the dialogue recording session during which I proudly handed the producer some paperwork and took photos of the crew. I was happy to help my friends create this project.