A city stuck in the past needs to overcome its nostalgia to meet the needs of a modern community.
Centering around the small city of Chatham, Ontario and the annual festival it holds “Retrofest,” this documentary will dissect how a community can become enveloped in nostalgia for its own past and become lost in time.
Exploring the power of nostalgia in our culture and its effects on our modern lived world, along with perceptions of the past, that ultimately leads to a sense of cultural dysmorphia, loss of identity and the loss of community. Retrocity will take you on a journey through the past 80 years of capitalism, consumerism and individualism, and how they have all combined to transform our communities from a collective, livable, human, social, and walkable urban environments, into individualistic unlivable, unhuman, antisocial, car-centric environments. Our main intention is to tell a story about Chatham, a city stuck in the past, unable to move on because of their life with cars and the nostalgia for them. We hope to take you on a journey that will bring you to a place of self realization and consideration, looking at yourself and your community to understand just exactly what has transpired. We hope to leave you at the end of the film in a place where you can reflect on your own community, its fate, but ultimately, the changes that can still be made. |
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Meet our crew:
"What I have enjoyed about working on Retrocity most is the research and development to the production process. It's been such a valuable learning experience researching and building a place up from scratch. In the case of this city, finding a story within, then through collaboration with my friends, we successfully shot and put it on video to make a great documentary on this interesting place for audiences."
"I've enjoyed the process of making things work out. I really like the visual aesthetics that we have captured, as well as the different mediums we are employing and emulating. Despite the struggles, it's been the fruitful learning experience."
"Working with Jude on Retrocity has been a delight. They are a really bright mind. We have such an incredible crew and had the best time shooting in Chatham. It's been an incredible experience and I'm incredibly lucky to have been involved. What a treat!"