A Short Documentary Directed by Kay Trevick and Produced by Jack Kukolic & Jesse Roberto-Biggs
An honest conversation between a mother and daughter about generational trauma, motherhood, and the cyclical nature of suicidality that tells the story of three generations of women in their family.
Meet Our Team
Kay Trevick Director
This documentary embodies so much of the type of work I hope to make in my life. I look forward to contributing what I feel is an important narrative being dissected in the media right now. I’m grateful for the chance to work with such talented people who are helping to bring this documentary to life and tell a piece of my family’s story which reflects the unsaid story of many other families alike.
Sabrina Nguyen Picture Editor
I love the story and believe that this is a topic that not enough people discuss, and to hear about these people’s experiences will expand my outlook, generally around mental health.
Moustafa Khalil Post Sound Editor
I'm excited to be working on the project.
Brandon Wickson Composer
This doc has the best and most intriguing title and that's awesome.
Jesse Roberto-Biggs Co-Producer
I was drawn to this documentary because it portrays a story that is very meaningful and personal to the director, Kay Trevick. I’m excited to collaborate with her and the crew to produce a story that examines mental health from a fresh perspective.
Taylor Mann Assistant Camera + Assistant Director
Being on the crew of Mommy Wants to Die to capture such a vulnerable story has been an honour. I’m looking forward to traveling with friends to shoot this film, and gain a deeper insight into Kay’s story. I’m learning a lot through my work on this project, both about Kay’s family and my own. It has been a pleasure to support the creative vision for this piece, and I look forward to sharing it.
Lileean Bardai Transmedia Producer
I am excited to work on this project since it tells an often untold story that should be heard by many. Also the director is awesome.
Jack Kukolic Co-Producer DOP - Montreal Unit Colourist
I am excited to work on this production to be able to help tell a story that is very personal to the director, Kay Trevick.
Emmy Pitschner Production Designer
It feels really special to be apart of a project that is so personal, and also touches on such taboo topics that are rarely discussed yet so important!
Naomi Katz Web-Designer
I’m looking forward to helping Kay tell such an important story about generational trauma, and its effects on daughters of mothers, and mothers of daughters. I hope that through telling this story we are able to break some of the stigma surrounding familial mental health struggles, and help those who deal with this issue to feel seen.
Lucas Minardi Director of Photography
I'm looking forward to seeing the experiences of others.
Andrew Langford Location Sound
I’m really excited to branch out from camera and record audio for the production.
Sylvia Docker Assistant Editor
I’m looking forward to working on this documentary because it offers a fresh and intriguing perspective on the familial nature of mental health, which is omnipresent but is still usually only discussed behind closed doors. I’m also excited to see the realization of so many talented people’s creative efforts.