Hi, my name is Hugo Hum, and I'm the director of the documentary! Being half Chinese and Filipino, throughout my upbringing, I've always wondered and felt uncertain about my relationship with my own cultural roots, and why I lie in the mix of all of it, especially while being born and raised in Canada. My intentions of this film is to find more understanding within my own cultural identity, but mainly create and set guidance for those alike dealing with the same issues through the perspective of my dad.
Hi, my name is Michael Mak. The reason I got interested in this doc is because of my brought up. I grew up in Hong Kong. Therefore, I understand the cultural struggle that the protagonist has gone through. I believed many foreigners and immigrants like me have to face the same issue: language barriers and cultural identity. I think being an editor in this doc is appropriate. Not only do I feel their internal conflict, but I also perceived the challenges they faced in the real world. Eventually, It will make the story more appealing and convincing.
Hi, my name is Lei Fan. And I’m from China. I’m happy to work on this doc as the soundie. As an international student, I have experienced and am still experiencing the cultural identity problem. By participating in this documentary production, I hope to resonate with more people facing the same problem.