We are the sum of all our parts. We are not just one or the other. We are whoever we choose to be.
We are MIXED.
We are MIXED.
So, What Are You? Is a short documentary about the experiences of three mixed race individuals.
It shares significant moments they can recall in their life where they really felt or even realized for the first time that they were different.
We talk with Maya who is Japanese, South African, and Scottish, Connor who is Bajan and Indian, and Olivia who is British, Canadian, and Jamaican about their experiences with their mixed identities.
So, What Are You? Is a short documentary about the experiences of three mixed race individuals.
It shares significant moments they can recall in their life where they really felt or even realized for the first time that they were different.
We talk with Maya who is Japanese, South African, and Scottish, Connor who is Bajan and Indian, and Olivia who is British, Canadian, and Jamaican about their experiences with their mixed identities.
Behind The Scenes
Meet The Team
Our Inspiration
The lives and struggles of mixed people have always interested the director Stephanie Nakashima as she is mixed herself. As Stephanie got older she began doing research on the topic to help her understand the cultural and societal difference in experiences mixed people face, that is when she realized she wanted to be able to give a platform for mixed people. When she began coming up with the concept and idea for this documentary she read Mixed Feelings which is a novel that is a collection of thoughts and experiences from Mixed people in short story style and poems. This is what made Stephanie realize she wanted to not only give a platform for Mixed people but for them to also share their personal stories. While in the production phase of the documentary Stephanie got to go to hear Mixed Feelings be read by the Author Avan Jogia who is an advocate for biracial people. He explained that he started getting a fascination with biracial culture and experiences in his life which drove him to reach out to other mixed people. When he began to talk to other people about the things he was feeling and experiencing they had similar thoughts and so he decided to make something that showcased these feelings. He originally started with a documentary but then ultimately decided a collection of stories and poems with illustrations was what he wanted to do. This is why when Stephanie got to meet him for a short period of time he gave her a lot of positive encouragement for the documentary she is creating. |
You can find Avan Jogia on social media platforms. Click the icons below to be brought to his pages. To find out more about his book visit http://www.avanjogia.com/writing/book/ . |
Special Thanks
The music in the film means so much to us as we were lucky enough to be given permission to use Pointless Aesthetic’s album Eleutheromania. The beautiful songs worked perfectly in our film and created such an emotional impact. We used two songs from the album including Atlas and Swollen Season. If you are interested in the band you can find them on their Instagram https://instagram.com/pointless_aesthetics_band?igshid=15tymk01zsxno and you can listen to them on Spotify as well https://open.spotify.com/album/5AVR1djDE36yF09zKq9kmB?si=erj1cEhiSvCDEHbc4b0jCg we as the crew highly recommend it and want to thank Pointless Aesthetic for allowing us to use their music. |